Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) and Sustainable Development Performance Management System 企业社会责任和可持续发展绩效管理体系
A Study on Construction and Implementation of Enterprise Performance Management System 企业绩效管理体系的构建与实施研究
Inner Mongolia Telecom to Improve Program Performance Management System Research 内蒙古电信公司绩效管理体系改进方案研究
Design and Research on the Performance Management System of PG Foods Corporation PG食品公司绩效管理体系设计与研究
HOW does your WORKFORCE PERFORMANCE management system reinforce a CUSTOMER and business focus and achievement of your ACTION PLANS? 组织的员工绩效管理系统如何强化以顾客和业务为中心的导向,促进行动计划的实现?
The Study of Solar HM's Comprehensive Performance Management System HM太阳能公司绩效管理体系设计与实施研究
Through the above measures can improve the optimization of Kyushu's performance management system, stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff and the creative potential for transfer to enterprise crisis. 希望经由过以上优化措施能完善九州经由公司的绩效打点体系,激发员工的积极性和创造潜力,使企业化危机为转机。
We will adhere to the administrative accountability system and government performance management system. 推行行政问责制度和政府绩效管理制度。
Study on Performance Management System Design and Implementation for Senior Managers of FAW Subsidiaries 一汽集团子公司高级经理绩效管理体系设计与实施研究
Design and Realization of SNMP Network Performance Management System 基于SNMP网络性能管理的设计与实现
Construction and Practice of a Strategy-based Hospital Performance Management System 基于战略考虑的某医院绩效管理体系建设与实践
The Construction and Implementation of Performance Management System to Department in GuiXi Power Plant 贵溪发电厂部门绩效管理体系构建与推行
Study on Hotel Performance Management System Construction Oriented By Enterprise Strategy 基于战略导向的饭店绩效管理体系建设研究
The Study on the Design of Performance Management System Based on BSC& A Case of Insurance Corporation 基于平衡计分卡原理的绩效管理系统设计研究&以保险企业为例
The first chapter states the importance for an enterprise to establish the performance management system. 第一章阐述了企业建立绩效管理制度的重要性。
The Design and Implementation of Performance Management System Facing Production based on C/ S 基于C/S结构的面向生产的企业绩效管理系统的设计与实现
Measurement, analysis, and knowledge serve as a foundation for the performance management system. 测量、析及知识能够作为业绩管理体系的基础。
Reformation of Payment and Performance Management System in Deep-Based Company 对深基公司薪酬与绩效管理体系改革的探讨
This paper expounds the successful application of performance management system based on position race in ZL Company. 本文详细介绍了成功应用于ZL公司的基于职位族的绩效管理体系。
Design and Implement of the Performance Management System for Hospital Staff Based on the Balanced Scorecard 基于平衡计分卡的医院员工绩效管理系统的设计与实现
Research on Teaching Equipments Allocation of Colleges and Universities in the Performance Management System 绩效管理体系下高校教学设备配置问题研究
A Study on DN Company Maintenance Department Performance Management System Based on the KPI DN公司维修部基于KPI的绩效管理体系研究
Be responsible for establishing and improving cost management control system based on company's performance management system; 负责根据公司的绩效管理体系建立和完善公司成本管理控制体系;
The Research on Functional Departments Performance Management System of XY Company XY公司职能部门绩效管理体系研究
The Research of Performance Management System of Subsidiary Operators 子公司经营者绩效管理体系研究与设计
Some Researches on Performance Management System for University Teachers 迷思和重构:高校教师绩效管理体系的研究
The Optimized Design of Performance Management System of Zhengzhou YT Company 郑州YT公司绩效管理体系优化设计
To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management system. 以测试新的绩效管理体系的运作情况;
The Research and Design of Performance Management System in Small-scale Software Company 小型工程软件企业绩效管理体系研究与设计
Finally, we present suggestions about actualization of the new performance management system in the future. 并就新绩效管理体系今后的运行、管理提出了对策建议。